Changing my life… For real this time. (I hope)

I am done. I have to change my life, the way I am living at the moment is damaging to me. It is damaging to my mental and my physical health. Right now I weigh 95kg at 5’5, I have no savings behind me though I have several savings goals and in fact I have $6100.92 worth of debt. $6100.92 That is not okay, I do not have any reason that I am comfortable with making that number okay. Alright, continuing: I have stopped learning, I LOVE learning and reading, why do I not do that anymore? My surroundings are cluttered and majorly stress me out. I am a pack a day smoker which is just not okay and finally (at least for now) I do not have any set morning or night routines, this leaves me feeling chaotic and out of control.

If all of that is how I am feeling, how will I change it?

I am going to lose weight.
Okay, the goal weight my doctor has given me is between 60kg and 65kg. Please note, I very much encourage anyone looking to partake in a weight-loss regime to consult a medical professional first.
In order to lose weight I will be going to the gym at least 5 days a week, I will be ensuring that I hit my step goal every day and I will be eating to a caloric deficit everyday. While I will be updating here about my weight-loss efforts I will not under any circumstances be sharing any of my calorie intake information. I will be sharing my weight every Saturday and I have the goal of losing between 0.25kg and 1kg per week however I want to highlight that to start with my weight may drop a bit quicker than that as I aim to reduce my sodium and drink more water. I am not a medical professional and I do not want anyone to try to copy my methods to lose weight, as such I will attempt to be as vague as possible.

I am going to be financially stable.
I am writing this at 11.11pm on November 1st 2021. From November 2nd 2021 until December 31st 2021 at a minimum I will be going on a spending ban. I will be saving as much as possible while also paying off as much debt as possible. I will be allowed to spend money on the following:

  • Grocery shopping
  • Bills
  • Planned for outings at a maximum of $50 per fortning
  • Debt repayment
  • Items that must be replaced if I have absolutey nothing else that will fulfil the purpose
  • Christmas Presents

I am going to put effort into learning.
To start with, I have been saying for years that I wanted to learn French, I even have the Duolingo app on my phone not that it ever gets used. So I am going to commit to actually learning French, right now my goal is to be able to hold a basic conversation in French. I am also going to commit to learning one new fact a day and reading a minimum of one chapter a day (the chapter can be from any book so will likely be fiction books).

I am going to declutter my space.
Everyday I am going to find at least one thing in my home to declutter.

I am going to quit smoking.
Okay, so this is something that I have said I am going to do many many times over the years, I am 25 years old and I started smoking when I was 15 or 16. Now I am not going to guarantee that I am just going to quit cold turkey but every day I am going to make a note of how many smokes I have had and I will be aiming to lower the amount I consume. Today for a starting point, I had 23 cigarettes.

I am going to build a morning and night routine.
To start with I am just going to start making a note of what I am actually doing in these times. After I have an idea of what I am naturally doing I can start making changes as necessary.

I have made posts and commitments before and I have promptly forgotten about not only my attempts to better my life but also my commitment to update this blog. I end up in a cycle of posting, forgetting, feeling shame and deleting the post. I think however, where I really go wrong is that I commit to updating the blog once a week. I am just not good at planning more than a day or two in advance so my commitment this time is that I will post twice a week (Wednesdays and Saturdays) but that these posts will include notes that I have made daily. I am aware that sometimes (if not most the time) this means that my updates will not be all that interesting but I need to do this for myself and I do not feel that I will stick to it without knowing there is a chance that someone somewhere will read it.

Okay, I should post this and go to bed as it is 11.54pm. In 6 minutes I am starting the challenge to improve my life. This should be interesting.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay cozy ❤